The evolution of Judaism over 4,000 years, by Assoc Prof Peter Schattner
A series of 6 lectures covering the major developments in the evolution of Judaism over nearly 4,000 years, with an emphasis on the historical stages rather than a theological analysis.
The major stages (ancient, medieval and modern) will be covered by two lectures each comprising the topics in the list opposite.
Six lectures weekly on Wednesdays, 2 – 3.30 pm, 2021, commencing 17 February
The format is lectures, audience discussion and readings.

Ancient (biblical) Judaism (1800 BCE – 70 CE)
- Foundations – Patriarchs, Exodus, Revelation at Sinai, etc.: Who wrote the Bible?
- Temple Judaism
- Hellenistic Judaism
- Jewish sects – Sadducees, Pharisees, Essenes, Christian Jews
Medieval (rabbinic) Judaism (70 – 1750)
- The sages – Tannaim, Amoraim, Geonim and Rabbinic Judaism
- Mystical Judaism – Kabbalah, Lurianic Judaism
- Rabbis: The ‘first ones’ (Rishonim)
- Rabbis: The ‘last ones’ (Acharonim)
- Philosophical Judaism – Saadia Gaon, Maimonides
- Messianic Judaism – Sabbateanism
Modern Judaism (1750 – today)
- Hasidism vs Mitnagdim (‘opponents’)
- Reform vs Neo-Orthodoxy
- Positive historical vs Conservatism
- 20th – 21st century – Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi), Reconstructionism, Humanistic Judaism, Religious Zionism, secular Jews and others