Semester 1 – January to June 2021
All courses other than the historical walks will be via Zoom video conferencing, WhatsApp or email until it is safe to have in-person sessions subject to Covid-19 restrictions.
Invitations to Zoom sessions will be emailed to members the day before the session or the Friday before any Monday sessions.
Additional courses for later in Semester 1 will be added to the Course List from time to time. Members will be notified about these new courses and they will be added to the U-MAS course listing accessible on our website.
Art and Craft
211ART01: Enhance and Grow the Artist in You
Weekly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 15 February – 21 June Monday 2:00 – 3:45
Zoom V2 Class limit 15 Tutor: David Pincus
The aim of this program is to help participants to develop and expand their practical, visual art skills. The course encourages all to take their experiences to a higher level, with guidance, (constructive) critique, occasional instruction & demonstrations but, above all, a strong emphasis on individual “hands on” effort. The objective being for each to enhance and to enjoy the experience of producing their unique works. All are encouraged (but not obliged) to move beyond their “comfort zone”, to experiment with pencil, pastel, charcoal, soluble carbon, ink, watercolour and mixed media. Participants should have some experience and confidence in the use of some of the media outlined and be prepared to contribute actively the group. Communication within the group by email will complement the regular weekly Zoom sessions
Current Affairs and News
211CAF01: Current Affairs
Weekly sessions initially via ZOOM
Dates: 15 February – 6 December Monday 10:00 – 12:00
Zoom V3 Class limit 100 Tutor: Myra Mortensen-Williams
Join a vibrant group in interactive discussions of current affairs, international, national and local events. Occasional guest speakers, welcome participation in Q & A sessions. Venue: Initially by Zoom. Face-to-face at the Toorak South/Yarra Library only when Covid restrictions for safety allow this this will be governed ultimately by the City of Stonnington Council. If face-to-face, the Toorak/South Yarra Library rear door to the Meeting Room opens at 9.30am. If face-to-face, the sessions will run through the year with no break. There is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2.
213CAF01: Current Affairs Discussion Group A
Weekly via WhatsApp
Dates: 17 February – 1 December Wednesday 10:00 – 11:45
WhatsApp Class limit 100 Tutor: Ron James
This groups uses WhatsApp for communication to members. The group discusses political, social and other topics. All members have the opportunity to participate. The main topic for the week is usually posted on a Wednesday. Breaking news is posted as it happens. Members are invited to respond, or post articles or other items of interest at any time, as they wish. Invited speakers may give occasional talks by Zoom on Wednesdays 10.00-11.45. This course runs all year so there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2.
Films and Cinema
211FIL01: Film Discussion Group B 4 monthly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 22 February, 22 March, 26 April, 24 May Monday 2:00 – 3:30
Zoom V3 Class limit 14 Tutor: Andrew Porter
Three films, viewed independently, will be discussed by the group each month. At the end of the meeting the group will decide the films for the next session. The group will be notified of the films to be discussed at the first session. Initially via Zoom but these arrangements may change depending on prevailing Covid restrictions.
215FIL01: Film Festival Tourism 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 12 March Friday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Heather Welsh
A nostalgic reminiscence about the Victoria-wide Film Festivals of our pre-Covid days, from Halls Gap to Rosebud. We hope it will be the forerunner of the re-opening of these delights. The session will include recommendations on how to get the best out of your Festival experience, including visiting the Festival environs.
212GAM01: Chess Partners Weekly throughout the year via ZOOM
Dates: 5 January – 7 December Tuesday 9:30 – 12:00
Zoom V1 Class limit 10 Tutor: Ken Ray
On Zoom on Tuesday mornings thanks to Tom Nadebaum who kindly hosts the meetings. We play in turns, but soon we may have three games playing simultaneously so we can have six people playing – great! Of course, we look forward to playing face to face at U3A again when Covid-19 restrictions permit, where we can have 10 people play. Best wishes to us all.
Health and Wellbeing
212HEA01: Complementary Medicines 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 23 February Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
In Australia, medicinal products containing herbs, vitamins and minerals, nutritional supplements, homoeopathic products and certain aromatherapy products are referred to as ‘complementary medicines’. (Also been referred to as ‘alternative medicines’, ‘natural medicines’ and ‘holistic medicines’). This talk will look at what complementary medicines are and the evidence of efficacy.
214HEA01: Hearing and Brain Health 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 4 March Thursday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Andrew Campbell
* Discover how cognitive overload may be caused by untreated hearing loss. * Find our why untreated hearing loss is the number 1 modifiable risk factor for Dementia. * Understand the critical importance of preserving the neural pathways between the ears and the brain, for the prevention of Cognitive decline. * Find out what you can do to keep your brain engaged and active and how soon you need to start. * Receive a complimentary copy of Andrew’s book on the topic.
212HEA02: Glaucoma 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 23 March Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
Glaucoma is one of numerous eye diseases and visual impairment which increase three-fold with each decade of life after 40 years of age. They are often accompanied by isolation, depression and poorer social relationships, and are strongly associated with falls and hip fractures. This talk will focus on the causes and treatments of glaucoma.
212HEA03: Fibromyalgia 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 20 April Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
This talk addresses the many issues pertaining to fibromyalgia, a condition (or conditions) often misdiagnosed or dismissed by doctors leaving the patient in pain and the belief that it is “all in my head”. It is important that health professionals are made aware that this is a real condition, despite no available indicative pathology results. Victims of fibromyalgia are suffering real pain and many other symptoms. It is not just in their heads.
212HEA04: Hearing Loss 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 4 May Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
In Australia, about 14% of the population has a hearing disorder and over 70% of people over the age of 70 have hearing loss. Approximately 15% of Australians use hearing aids (AIHW 2016; Deafness Forum of Australia 2018). This talk will focus on causes and possible treatments for hearing loss.
212HEA05: Risk factors for stroke 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 18 May Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
Stroke is a leading cause of disability and mortality in Australia, affecting about 50,000 people every year (QBI 2020; Stroke Foundation 2020). Over 475,000 Australians are currently living with the effects of stroke. These people may experience a variety of physical and psychological problems, including motor function impairment, memory and cognitive issues and difficulties with language and speech (QBI2020; Stroke Foundation). This talk will discuss the nature of strokes, risk factors and prevention.
212HEA06: Infections in people with chronic conditions 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 15 June Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Louis Roller
The prevalence of chronic conditions increases with age and many older adults live with multi-morbidity (several chronic conditions). This, in turn, means that polypharmacy is common among older adults. Two-thirds of older Australians over 75 are taking five or more medicines (NHMRC 2018). The use of certain medicines may increase the risk or severity of infection. This talk will discuss the above with a view of educating the participant in avoiding such situations where possible.
213HIS02: A history of the Jewish faith 6 weekly sessions via: ZOOM
Dates: 17 February – 24 March Wednesday 2.00 – 3:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Peter Schattner
This series will describe the main movements in Judaism from the biblical era to modern times. It will cover this principally from a historical perspective and does not intend to delve too deeply into philosophy or theology. The main topics covered include: 1) ancient (biblical) Judaism from 1800 BCE to 70 CE, including the patriarchs, exodus, 1st Temple Judaism, 2nd Temple Judaism, Hellenistic Judaism and Jewish sects; 2) medieval (rabbinic) Judaism from 70 CE – 1750, including the sages up to the 11th century, the sages of the ‘Rishonim’ (first ones) and the ‘Acharonim’ (last ones), mystical Judaism and messianic Judaism; and 3) Modern Judaism, from 1750 to today, including the Jewish enlightenment (Haskalah), Reform vs modern Orthodoxy, Hasidism vs ‘opponents’ (Mitnagdim), Conservative Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, Religious Zionism, Humanistic Judaism, and others. The lectures will be supplemented by audience participation and written hand-outs.
213HIS01: Conversations: Aust History 5 monthly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 24 February, 24 March, 21 April, 19 May, 16 June Wednesday 12:30 – 1:45
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Anne McQueen-Thomson
Anne will lead the conversation group by video conferencing (Zoom) using notes by Jim Poulter about Aboriginal History.
212HIS01: Melbourne Circle: Walking, Memory & Loss 1 session via ZOOM
Dates: 9 March Tuesday 2:00 – 3:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Nick Gadd
My new book, titled “Melbourne Circle: Walking, Memory and Loss” was published in December 2020. It is the account of a two-year walk around Melbourne by my partner Lynne and me, during which we encountered lost buildings, secret places and mysterious signs that led us to forgotten histories and curious characters from the past, some of which are described in this talk. Lynne died of cancer in 2018, and the story of our relationship is woven through the book. Writing the book became a process of investigating the ways places give meaning to our lives, and of dealing with my own grief. The book may be of interest to writers’ groups/book groups and local history groups.
213HIS03: Murders, Mysteries and Libraries 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 31 March Wednesday 2:00 – 3:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Graham Dudley
The Stiff in the Stacks Mysteries Murders and Libraries Why is it that libraries are seen as a typical locale for a crime, most often murder? The public image of the library is generally that of a quiet, comfortable, inviting place, a place where people read and study, and certainly a place where people and their belongings should be safe. Is it because of this warm, comfortable image that the irruption of fictitious crime, often violent, often deadly, is attractive to authors? This talk will look at murder and other crimes occurring in a range of libraries, especially public ones. A reading list will accompany the talk.
211HIS01: Politics and Culture Behind the Olympics 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 12 April Monday 12:00 – 2:00
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
THIS IS PRIMARILY NOT A TALK ABOUT SPORT, BUT ABOUT THE POLITICS AND CULTURE BEHIND THE INTERNATIONAL OLYMPICS COMMITTEE. Was Pierre Baron de Coubertin really the founder of the Modern Olympics, or did it commence decades before the IOC tells us it did? The early Modern Olympics were not purely sporting events. What cultural events were also held? How close did the US flag-bearer at the 1908 London Olympics come to starting a war between America and Britain? What other scandals were associated with the 1908 Games? How was the length of the Olympic marathon REALLY decided upon? What was an Intercalated Games? When did women first participate in the Games? Just how close did Melbourne come to losing the 1956 Games?
211HIS02: The Big History of Religion 1 session via ZOOM
Dates 19 April Monday 12:00 – 2:00
Zoom V 1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
THE BIG HISTORY OF RELIGION – MILLIONS OF YEARS IN UNDER TWO HOURS! Covers the vital part that religion has played in human life, from the beginnings of humanity and up to the 21st century; What aspects of religion do humans share with animals? In particular, we look at mourning; Examine sacred sites used by many diverse religions; Summarily explore the beliefs of five major religions; Briefly look at Indigenous Australian beliefs.
211HIS03: The Three Abrahamic Faiths 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 26 April Monday 12:00 – 2:00
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
THE THREE ABRAHAMIC FAITHS – JUDAISM, CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM. This talk revolves around a PowerPoint which shows, in tabular format, the attitudes of the three religions to about 30 different subjects including: the nature of God; the number of adherents; the formation of the religion; arrival in Australia; internal groupings; the Holy Book; religious law; leadership; the main day of worship; revered humans; festivals and rituals; human nature and the concept of sin; the afterlife, etc, etc.
214HIS01: History of trams in eastern suburbs 3 weekly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 29 April, 6 & 13 May Thursday 12:00 – 1:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
HISTORY OF TRAMS IN THE EASTERN SUBURBS, INCLUDING THE “PRAHRAN & MALVERN TRAMWAYS TRUST” Part One: 29 April 12-1.30 A look at Melbourne’s first electric tram. Also a look at cable trams, their routes and how they operated. Part Two: 6 May 12–1.30 Horse Trams. Also pre-M&MTB electric trams, including those of the Prahran & Malvern Tramways Trust. Part Three: 13 May 12-1.30 Covers the time from the formation of the Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board and up to the present day. Part Four: 20 May 12-1.30 A Visit to Wattle Park – PLEASE BOOK SEPARATELY FOR THIS EVENT COURSE NO: 214HIS02 – limited places apply.
214HIS02: A visit to Wattle Park 1 session WALK
Date: 20 May Thursday 12:00 – 2:00
Wattle Park 1012 Riversdale Rd SURREY HILLS Limit 12 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
A VISIT TO WATTLE PARK. Thurs 20 May 12-1.30. Please meet at the antique tram shelter at the corner of Riversdale and Warrigal Roads by 12pm. Opened in 1917, Wattle Park was originally owned by the Hawthorn Tramways Trust, then by the M&MTB, then by the M&MBW and currently by Melbourne Water. It contains many reminders of tram history including long pieces of cable, a cable wheel, historical tram shelters and two W2 class trams. Wattle Park also contains a lone pine which was grown from a seed brought from Gallipoli by a WWI soldier. Lunch together afterwards is a possibility at the Wattle Park Chalet, or perhaps at a less expensive nearby café in Riversdale Road. Prerequisite: Preferably attended Course 214HIS01 – History of trams in eastern suburbs.
211HIS04: Judaism & Christianity: A Comparison 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 3 May Monday 12:00 – 2:00
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Albert Isaacs
WHAT DOES JUDAISM OWE TO CHRISTIANITY; WHAT DOES CHRISTIANITY OWE TO JUDAISM? You may be quite surprised at just how many overlaps there are between these two religions and, importantly, how much has been borrowed from one to the other, either intentionally or unintentionally. The talk covers all eras from the days of the Temple in Jerusalem to the 21st century.
211LAN01: French Literature and Conversation Weekly via ZOOM
Dates: 15 February – 21 June Monday 10:00 – 12:00
Zoom V2 Class limit 9 Tutor: Elizabeth Sprigg
A course for those who have studied French and wish to maintain and build skills and knowledge of the language. We read extracts from literature and poetry, as well as articles from journals and the internet. Grammar points are revised as required and as requested by class members. All are encouraged to participate, ask questions and make suggestions. Small group conversation takes place in breakout rooms. Email is used for written work. Prerequisites: Intermediate to advanced level of French. Grammar book: Schaum’s French Grammar.
212LAN01: French Conversation via Zoom Weekly via ZOOM
Dates: 16 February – 22 June Tuesday 10:30 – 12:30
Zoom V3 Class limit 14 Tutor: Sue Majewski
Have you had enough of Covid-19 and isolation? Then this group may be for you. If you would like to join us for a chat, share and grow your French conversational skills in a friendly group via Zoom, then this group may suit you! All participants need to have an intermediate or conversational level of French and be able to work Zoom and be prepared to share their skills. Prerequisite: Intermediate or conversational level of French.
214LAN01: A taste of Intermediate German Weekly all year via ZOOM
Dates: 18 February – 25 November Thursday 10:00 – 11:30
Tutor uses own Zoom licence Class limit 14 Tutor: Dr Judy Hajdu
This is a short course covering “Netzwerk” A2.1 Chapters 5-6 and short extracts which will be the basis for revision and the introduction of new language. We will converse in German about our weekly activities and events in Germany. Bring along a sense of fun so we can play games to practise German constructions. You will also have to do some writing exercises, possibly as homework, to reinforce what we learn in class. These will be submitted by email. It is assumed that students have already mastered some basic German. No classes during school holidays. This course runs throughout the year with designated breaks so there is no need to re-enrol in Semester 2.
212LAN02: Aboriginal languages 4 fortnightly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 23 February, 9 March, 23 March, 6 April Tuesday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Prof Barry Blake
Aboriginal people have been living in this continent for tens of thousands of years speaking a great variety of sophisticated languages each presenting an individual interpretation of the world. This course will consider their number, how much they are alike and how they are related. It will cover pronunciation, grammar, word formation and semantics. Examples will be given from a variety of languages with the emphasis on languages of Victoria. Included also will be information on the present state of these languages and efforts to revitalise them and revive those no longer spoken
Literature and Poetry
211LIT01: Book Discussion Group A 5 monthly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 15 February, 15 March, 19 April, 17 May and 21 June Monday 2:00 – 3:45
Zoom V3 Class limit 12 Tutor: Mary Heinemann
The group chooses one book to be discussed each month and members volunteer to lead the discussion. The book for discussion on 15 February will be “An Unconventional Wife” by Mary Hoban.
213LIT01: Poetry Pilgrims 10 fortnightly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 17 February 23 June Wednesday 12:30 – 1:45
Zoom V2 Class limit 20 Tutor: Anne McQueen-Thomson
Anne will lead this poetry discussion group by video conferencing (Zoom). (It is not creative writing). We read and discuss a variety of poems from a variety of authors and from different eras. Our explorations include the context of each poem, something of the author’s background and the strengths and weaknesses and style of each poem. We will advise in advance the poems for each session. Our hope is to learn something of the world of poetry, to become more open to taking pleasure in different kinds of poems and more articulate in discussing our reactions, all in a relaxed and congenial atmosphere.
215LIT01: Creative Writing Fortnightly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 19 February – 25 June Friday 10:00 – 12:00
Zoom V2 Class limit 15 Tutor: Janet Allen
The writers’ group meets fortnightly to share members’ work and comment on the effectiveness of the piece. Each member writes on a theme of personal choice or topic or technique set for that meeting. Everyone has the opportunity to present their work regularly. Communication is by email and Zoom sessions.
212MUS01: Great Music: a journey Fortnightly sessions via EMAIL
Dates: 16 February – 22 June Tuesday 12:00 – 1:30
Email Class limit 100 Tutor: Harry Wenig
What is great about great music? These sessions provide an exploration of the many factors in the creative process. This course will be made available by email and websites. Members will be emailed links fortnightly so they can access the music at their leisure.
Science and Technology
214SCI01: From Time to Time 2 weekly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 27 May & 2 June Thursday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Anthony Ash
We mark events past, present and future on calendars – we always have. Calendars through the ages are tied to astronomical rhythms. We chop up days into hours, minutes and seconds. Scientists chop seconds up even more, to measure how fast things happen. We’ve built clocks to boil an egg or expect a bus or time a transit of Venus. And when we all got comfortable, Einstein reckoned time was sort of rubbery. Let’s talk about time and timekeeping. Nothing scary, no prior knowledge!
211SOC01: Some steps towards Australia 2.0 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 1 March Monday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Raymond Sexton
Let Us All Combine, Some simple steps towards Australia 2.0 In the words of Advance Australia Fair we sing ‘Let us all combine!’ which aspires to marshalling the combined talents, experience and energy to progress this great country. We’ve learned much from our recent challenges of Climate induced Bush Fires, the Global Pandemic and our struggles with an increasingly assertive China. Together everyone achieves more. Steve Covey says one has to evolve from dependence to independence and onto interdependence if we are to reach fulfilment. Firstly, we must know who we are and what we stand for. Due to a myopic focus on wealth creation mainly through aggressive extraction of our natural resources, property development, etc. the establishment in Australia has retained tight control of the key levers of government and has avoided deliberately or maybe subconsciously dealing with the two major issues affecting our identity and raison d’étre; Recognition and Empowerment of both the Indigenous Population and the Millions of Multi-cultural migrants that have joined the great Australia adventure in the last 50 years. When it comes to flags, land rights, voting rights or excessive red tape there appears to be a ‘deep state’ that controls the power in Australia and little or no tangible efforts are taken to cede or share power with those who are legitimately entitled to share in the key decisions. We need to update the Constitution particularly in the context of the Uluru Statement & Section 44. It’s time for Australia 2.0 and a complete overall of our Constitution. Based on the processes used in Ireland/Nth Ireland in the successful negotiation of peace and power sharing I believe there are simple implementable steps that can be taken to allow Australia to avoid the inevitable civil unrest that will eventuate if not addressed pre-emptively. Our aim is to address these issues and ‘Let Us All Combine!’ through updating our Constitution.
213SOC01: Conversations: members’ choice 4 monthly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 10 March, 7 April, 5 May and 2 June Wednesday 12:30 – 1:45
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Anthony Ash
Outline of the talk: We meet every month to discuss a topic. The topic can be anything at all, current, historical, artistic, science. You can come to sessions of interest. BUT this year there is a condition: Please be prepared to lead a discussion in something- it’s not as scary as it sounds! It doesn’t mean preparing fancy Power Point slides, it might mean some photos or perhaps an object, or just words. 10 minutes or an hour or so – your choice. Anything goes. Below is a list of possibilities… or please invent your own topic! We will make a calendar of topics so everyone can think about the next session to nourish the discussion. The history of Australia Post; Lighthouses of Victoria/Australia; How to grow . . . How to make . . . ; Kites – types, history, uses; Homing pigeons/carrier pigeons; Money; coin or card or . . . bitcoin; Water, Coffee, Chocolate, Poison; The dark web; Shells; Snails . . . . Flowers.
211SOC02: Zoom members get together 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 15 March Monday 10:30 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Elizabeth Brown
Meet and greet fellow members, reminisce, predict the future! Enjoy yourselves, but remember to bring your own tea and biscuits!
212SOC01: Zoom morning gathering of friends 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 30 March Tuesday 10:30 – 11:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Elizabeth Brown
Enjoy the pleasure of spending time with U3A Stonnington long term friends – and also people you have never previously met. Bring along comment about where you came from, any reflections about 2021 so far compared with 2020, what you would like U3A to be offering you – and anything else you would like to talk about or discuss.
214SOC01: Preitenbahn Birth of a Model Railway 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 15 April Thursday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Christian Fletcher
The Preitenbahn: Birth of a Model Railway. When, in 2009, we moved into a new home in Balwyn, one requirement was to find enough space for an ‘0 – Gauge’ model railway where 30 sqm was insufficient in the old home. There was a Double Garage (58 sqm) available under the house – but what to do with 2 cars? All these considerations led to excavating under the existing building and underpinning two house walls to create a train room of 70 sqm and a workshop/toilet of 23 sqm. All this resulted in the creation of Die Preitenbahn. HOW is the subject of this talk.
214SOC02: Zoom afternoon gathering of friends 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 22 April Thursday 2:00 – 3:00
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Elizabeth Brown
Enjoy the pleasure of spending time with U3A Stonnington long term friends and also people you have never previously met. Bring along comment about how 2021 is working out in comparison to 2020, what you are happy about, what you would like U3A to do, and what members can do for U3A.
215SOC01: The Joys of Opp-Shopping 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 7 May Friday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Heather Welsh
Is Opp-Shopping one of your recreational interests? A single session for us to share our experiences! Please bring something of interest which you have found at an Opp Shop to show and talk about to fellow participants.
213TRA01: Greek stories: travelling in Greece 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 17 February Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Dr Nick Vlahogiannis
The talk is designed for travelling in Greece. Its approach is cultural-historical and archaeological. I will discuss the main historical phases of Greece since 2000 BCE to the present, using archaeological and architectural remains as points of reference.
211TRA01: ‘Another side of Iran’ 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 22 February Monday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: George Golvan QC
Iran has been described as the world’s least popular country. But there is another side to Iran, The Iranian people, are friendly, hospitable and love poetry. Further, the countryside is extraordinarily spectacular with deserts and snow-capped mountains and it has one of the world’s oldest cultures with a rich history and 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the fabulous Persepolis. So as keen travelers we wanted to see for ourselves, particularly some of the sites off the beaten track. We travelled throughout Iran and I invite you to join me in a photographic journey to share the experience.
212TRA02: A Tourist’s look at Turkey 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 16 March Tuesday 2:00 – 3:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Ken Pakes
We will enjoy a trip in Turkey through Ken’s eyes – and his photography!
213TRA02: Snapshots of Europe from our Bicycles 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 17 March Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Frank Devlin
A smorgasbord of three cycle trails in historic Europe, mostly off the beaten track. It’s not about the rides: it’s what we saw! Enjoy the route along the Burgundy Canal and the River Saone from Dijon to Tournus via the amazing 15th century hospital in Beaune. Travel along the Canal du Midi completed in 1681, an engineering marvel linking Sete on the Mediterranean to Carcassone and then Toulouse to join the River Garonne and then the Atlantic. Cycle from Venice round the norther Adriatic through Trieste and Slovenia to Porec in Croatia. Wonder at the vast expanse of 4th century mosaics in the ancient Roman city of Aquileia.
213TRA03: Anglo-Saxon to Perpendicular Gothic 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 24 March Wednesday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Frank Devlin
Anglo-Saxon to Perpendicular Gothic: the evolution of English religious architecture from 950 to 1550. A journey through England and some 35 cathedrals and churches to see how the Anglo-Saxon style with its narrow arches and triangular windows evolves into the soaring Gothic of pointed arches and ribbed vaults. Why did this new style endure much longer in England than in continental Europe?
212TRA01: Fiordland, New Zealand 2 fortnightly sessions via ZOOM
Dates: 4 & 18 May Tuesday 10:00 – 11:30
Zoom V2 Class limit 100 Tutor: Brian Lennon
Fiordland is a large world heritage area in the far south-west of New Zealand, comprising around half of the
Te Wahipounamu World Heritage area. A place of unspoiled beauty – lakes, fiords, waterfalls, rainforest, steep glaciated mountains, glaciers, rivers and wild beaches. Its most visited part is Milford Sound but Fiordland contains many other beautiful but much less accessible areas. Much of it can be adequately appreciated only on foot. These two sessions will provide an overview of Fiordland (e.g. economic, natural history, climate, history, physical characteristics) and then review the experience and sights involved in undertaking the three NZ “Great Walks” that lie within the area, plus a fourth lesser known track.
214TRA01: Walking in Austria and Switzerland 1 session via ZOOM
Date: 13 May Thursday 10:00 – 11:45
Zoom V1 Class limit 100 Tutor: Ian Singleton
Join Ian and Elspeth for some glorious walking in Austria and Switzerland. Walk the World Heritage Wachau Valley of the Danube River from Krems to Melk, discover the Salzkammergut region of Austria, call briefly into Berchtesgaden in Germany, then enjoy the panoramas of the Swiss Alps, based in Grindelwald and Meiringen. We’ll do the walking and you enjoy the scenery!
Historical Walks
212WAL03: WALK – A Tour of Flagstaff Gardens 1 session
Date: 2 March Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet at Flagstaff Railway Station Limit 12 Tutor: Ken Pakes
A tour of Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne’s original cemetery, and the original Queen Victoria Market. This walk will explore some of Melbourne’s historic locations. Commencing at Flagstaff Station, the walk will visit the Gardens and St James Old Cathedral. After this, we will explore the Queen Vic Market and continue along Victoria Street ending at Errol Street, North Melbourne. Return from here by tram or walk back.
Meet at the corner of William and La Trobe Streets at 10am (Flagstaff Station).
212WAL01: WALK – The Pubs of Port Melbourne 1 Session
Date: 9 March Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet at the Port Melbourne Tram Terminus Limit 12 Tutor: Ian Singleton
Port Melbourne has a rich history of pub life with 53 pubs by 1876. Only a few remain. By 1919 only 22 were operating and many continued until the late 1980s. This gentle walk of about 3 to 4 km will visit many of the 34 sites in the south of “The Borough”.
Meet at 10.00 at the Port Melbourne terminus of Tram 109 (Collins Street tram). The walk will conclude at the same spot. Car parking is available in the vicinity but take extreme care with parking restrictions.
214WAL01: WALK – Burnley Gardens 1 Session
Date: 11 March Thursday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet at 500 Yarra Boulevard, Richmond Limit 12 Tutor: Elspeth Ferguson
One of Melbourne’s hidden gems, the Burnley Gardens were established in 1863 and are on the Victorian Heritage Register. They are historically, horticulturally and aesthetically significant. The gardens cover nearly 10 hectares and special mention is made of 7 trees and three buildings. The gardens are part of Melbourne University School of Horticulture. Join Elspeth (a Burnley graduate) for a walk through these magnificent gardens to view and discuss the diverse range of plants. The walk is flat on good surfaces. Bring a sandwich to enjoy lunch together, at a huge table made after the death of an enormous Sugar Gum.
Meet by 10am at 500 Yarra Boulevard Richmond by the blue and white Burnley Gardens sign, which is right at the eastern end of Swan Street, near the rock garden, just over the river from Leonda. Melway ref: 45A12. Paid car parking on Yarra Boulevard either 2 hour or unlimited. We suggest, however public transport – #70 tram to Wattle Park to stop #18.
214WAL02: WALK – Kinkora Grove, Hawthorn 1 session
Date: 18 March Thursday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet Cnr Chrystobel Cres & Glenferrie Rd Limit 12 Tutor: Elizabeth Brown
This walk will explore an area of Hawthorn that was first settled by some wealthy landowners. This interesting area was home to many musical, literary and visual artists – some well-known and others less so. The walk includes a part of the former Kew Branch Railway line. The walk will take place whatever the weather – please come suitably prepared.
Please meet by 10am, corner of Chrystobel Crescent & Glenferrie Road, opposite Lawrencia Cycles. Tram route 16, stop 75 – approximately 2 blocks north from Glenferrie Railway Station. The walk will take place whatever the weather – please come suitably prepared
214WAL03: WALK – Rosstown Railway 1 session
Date: 25 March Thursday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet downstairs at Hughesdale Station Limit 12 Tutor: Ian Singleton
It is a Public Transport Walk. We finish several km from the start.
Meet at Hughesdale Station (DOWNSTAIRS) at 10.00. Hughesdale is on the Dandenong, Pakenham, Cranbourne Lines. MOST trains stop but double-check. We finish, about 2 hours later at Tram Stop 60 on Hawthorn Road Caulfield South – East Brighton Tram 64. The walk (flat) will follow the route of a derelict and abandoned railway. It started as one man’s dream but became his personal folly. Only one train is thought to have run and even then not for its original purpose.
212WAL02: WALK – Port Melbourne Immigrant Trail 1 session
Date: 13 April Tuesday 10:00 – 12:00
Meet at Port Melbourne Tram Terminus Limit 12 Tutor: Ian Singleton
For many new arrivals to Australia Station or Princes Pier in Port Melbourne was their first landfall after often long and hazardous sea voyages. The shipping trade has left its historic imprint on Port Melbourne and we will view and discuss some of these landmarks. (This walk will include a couple of the Pubs of Port Melbourne sites, but is quite separate).
Meet at the Port Melbourne Tram Terminus – Collins Street Route 109 at 10.00 am. The walk will finish in the same area, about 1.5 hours later. Always the chance for a coffee or even lunch!