Current courses

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We offer single session lectures as well as courses lasting all year.

Short courses run anywhere from two to six sessions.

A short or long course can run weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.


U3A Stonnington has been running since 1989, offering courses and activities across an impressive array of interests and pastimes. 

Many of our lecturers are specialists in languages, and are academics and professionals who all give their time generously.

Many members travel overseas regularly and give delightful presentations about their travels. Some sessions particularly on gardens in Europe are popular.

Other members with careers in science and medicine share their often fascinating work by running short courses or single session lectures. 

Vignettes from careers in film, fine artswriting and biography always attract strong attendances.

Aspects of religionspiritualitylawmarriageAustraliana, and other issues for society of today are examined regularly. 

Technologyscienceeducation, or NBN, are usually included in our progam.

Of course the restrictions under Covid-19 have meant cancelling the walks in historic areas of Melbourne. 

We hope before long to resume outdoor acivities and maybe bicycling too.

Group classes in painting and drawing were a thorough joy in Room 2.

Bridge, Scrabble, Mah Jong and Chess were entirely at home in Room 4. So far, only Chess has found a way to continue under Covid-19.

We expect to see more of our regular courses resume in 2021.

Two semesters

A new program of lectures is published in the middle of the year for 2nd semester


Zoom is used for many sessions conducted by video conferencing. The course information shows Course type: Zoom, which means you can take part from home using a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer.


The invitation for a zoom session is emailed to you on the business day before the day of the session.

WhatsApp support

Another form of video conferencing we use is WhatsApp. If it applies to any of your choices you will be contacted about help and support for using WhatsApp.

Email course support

Some groups now stay in touch only by email.

Their tutor or course leader supervises that contact.

Things can change

There are times when something quite unforeseen might happen.

A single session might have to be cancelled. On occasion we have had to cancel an entire course.

You are alerted by email if one session or your entire course is cancelled.

Your absences

When you must miss a session or have to withdraw from a course you can advise us online. Please do that out of consideration for our lecturers and tutors, who are all volunteers.