
Maybe an image here with some brief blurb

Brief blurb

More brief blurb.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit libero, tristique ut enim id, placerat interdum lectus. Nunc luctus, nisl ac faucibus fermentum, sem risus efficitur neque, et laoreet quam dui ac libero. Vivamus efficitur semper nibh, a imperdiet nisl sollicitudin id. Donec feugiat porta nibh, ut venenatis libero mollis porta. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pellentesque interdum mauris dolor. In eget scelerisque lorem. Donec porta pharetra nisi, vitae ornare odio vestibulum et. Praesent aliquet pretium elit vel vestibulum. Mauris a lacinia turpis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam consequat erat eget diam rhoncus, vitae laoreet lectus varius. Maecenas id molestie nisl. Vivamus aliquam cursus enim vitae laoreet. Praesent massa nisi, interdum sed imperdiet nec, volutpat a purus. Aliquam pellentesque interdum eros, sit amet condimentum justo sollicitudin id.

Maecenas euismod scelerisque eros, id volutpat dolor semper fringilla. Aenean sollicitudin at magna vitae volutpat. Pellentesque at hendrerit enim. Donec blandit sem magna, et blandit lectus mattis vel. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer erat nibh, porttitor vel vulputate non, hendrerit non lorem. Sed maximus auctor tincidunt. Praesent mollis lectus a nisl suscipit elementum. Praesent quis sagittis eros. Curabitur venenatis accumsan rutrum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse non diam eu nisl ultrices vehicula.

Our latest news

  • CovidSafe Plan

    Our Valetta Street centre remains closed and no sessions are being held there. Access is strictly by appointment only and subject to our CovidSafe Plan for each person entering the premises. You can join, renew membership, and enrol in courses online, or get individual help if you cannot go online.


  • Help if you cannot go online

    We can help you find and choose courses and then, later, with enrolling and paying. Trained volunteers are ready to help if you cannot go online. Simply phone us on 9500 1288 or use if you need personal assistance.


  • No sessions at Valetta Street

    Covid-19 remains a problem for our community. In order to stay safe, our current plan is to offer courses remotely as last year. Valetta St will not reopen until further notice.


  • The Knowledge Hub

    Once again you can choose from nearly 50 online sources to keep up to date via The Knowledge Hub. This is a collection of think tanks and research bodies, the majority of which claim to be independent in their aims and origins. They are prominent as influencers for ideas and directions in public policy formulation […]


  • All walks cancelled

    For reasons which would be clear to everybody in Melbourne we have to cancel every walk. As Covid restrictions are eased we will try to reschedule one or two walks.


  • No phone messages

    Under Stage 4 restrictions the office remains closed and we cannot go there to check for phone messages, You can always email us.


  • This new website

    This new website offers you online enrolments but not payments.  It works well on a smartphone or a tablet.